Computer Science

771 topics: COMPSCI 373 Semester 1, City Campus

Below is a list with possible topics. You might want to choose one of these topics or propose your own topic, but in either case you first need approval from Burkhard or Patrice. If you propose your own topic please note that it has to be related to the CS373 course, but has to be of a more advanced nature (e.g. an advanced application, such as Virtual Surgery Simulation, or an advanced algorithm such as GPU-accelerated displacement mapping)
    Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
    Simulation of explosions
    Augmented Reality techniques for Movie Production
    Comparison of 3D Graphics API for developing Web applications
    Tools for WebGL application development
    Survey and evaluation of graphics APIs for mobile devices
    virtual surgery simulation
    Web Graphics programming
    Agent-Based Crowd Simulation: A Review
    Virtual heritage
    Smoke Simulation
    Survey and analysis of crowd simulation techniques
    Character Animation using key framing and inverse kinematic
    Realistic rendering of human faces
    Rendering of Water
    An Overview of Texture Synthesis Techniques and their Applications
    Motion Retargeting
    Survey of motion capturing techniques
    Facial animation in game engines
    Web Graphic Standards
    Nonphotorealistic rendering
    Realistic 3D Facial Animation
    Motion Capturing of Humanoid Characters
    Skeletal animation using motion capture data
    Real-Time Terrain Rendering
    Space subdivision technique for speeding up ray tracing
    High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging and rendering
    Comparison of 3D Graphics API for Web programming
    Motion Capturing techniques in the Movie Industry
    3D vision/acquisition and game platforms
    Computer Vision for forensic sciences
    Image processing and environmental sciences
    Computer Vision and marine sciences
    3D vision in everyday's life
    3D vision in mobile platforms
    Image Processing in mobile platforms
    3D vision and biometrics
    Medical imaging and automated diagnostic
    Java and 3D vision
    Computer vision systems for road traffic monitoring
    Commercial vision systems for recognition of licence plates
    Fingerprint based biometrics for modern PCs
    PC cursor movement control by tracking gaze direction
    Biometrics by iris recognition
    Hacking 3D biometrics
    Statistical analysis techniques for face recognition
    Statistical analysis techniques for 3D object (pose) recognition
    Kinect: what is behind, what are the limitations
    3D screens (health) safety issues
    Automated vision systems: can 3D help?
    Mapping ancient archeological sites with your digital Cam: Is it that easy?
    Computer vision technologies for tomorrow's automatic law enforcement

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